Lifeboat Davit Proof Load Testing
In order to comply with SOLAS regulations (Ref. SOLAS Part 1, Chapter III, Regulation 20) and lifting equipment regulations (LOLAS), all vessels are required to perform proof load testing of their lifeboat's launching appliances and on-load release gear to 110% of its rated capacity at intervals not exceeding 5 years. This is in addition to any testing requirements associated with periodic examinations or following repairs.
Hydro-Wates® offers lifeboat davit proof load testing services using water bags specifically designed for this purpose. All tests are performed by our highly trained personnel and witnessed by the certifying authority. For lifeboat load testing, small 375 Kg capacity water bags are available which can be arranged inside the vessel to simulate passenger loading. Load water can then be accurately metered into the water bags using volumetrically calibrated and certified water meters.
For proof load testing lifeboat davit systems independent of the lifeboat, Hydro-Wates® has a range of water bags from 2 – 12 metric tons which can be used for this purpose. Using load cells, water meters or both, the required test load can be accurately applied to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and proper lifeboat david testing.
Hydro-Wates® offers proof load testing services to companies across the U.S. and the world. We also offer our proof load testing equipment for rental or sale for conducting your own load tests, whether you are in need of water bags, load cells, pad eyes, or steel weights.
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![lifeboat davit testing](assets/images/content/26.jpg)
Why Choose Hydro-Wates®?
The proven benefits of sourcing your load testing equipment and services from the professionals at Hydro-Wates® include:
Improved safety for field personnel
Cost-effectiveness and superior budget control
Vital protection for your material assets
An easier route to standards compliance
Top-rated equipment in the industry
Let us help you