Boat Hoist Proof Load Testing
Boat hoisting cranes of all types can be proof load tested using water test weight bags. These cranes are typically located in marinas and shipyards and are utilized to launch and recover vessels weighing up to 1,200 tons. They are frequently used in combination with a vessel lift/storage cradle.
The use of Hydro-Wates water test weight bags and certified load indicating equipment ensures compliance with regulatory and certifying authority requirements for initial and periodic proof-load testing of these machines.
With our boat hoist proof load testing services, we can provide certification of proof-load test results to meet OSHA, as well as internationally recognized standards specified by Det Norske Veritas – Germanischer Lloyd (DNV-GL), American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Bureau Veritas, Lloyds Register, and others.
The use of water test weight bags for boat hoist and crane load testing is recognized as a safe technique for slowly applying the test load. This allows technical problems with the crane to be recognized and corrected prior to reaching the full test load. In addition, load water can be drained without have to lower the test weight.
This would be helpful in situations where the hoisting system or brakes were compromised in some way.
Custom Designed Rigging Arrangements
Hydro-Wates can also provide custom designed rigging arrangements using company owned high capacity load cells, spreader beams, slings and shackles. We stock this equipment in-house to enable rapid mobilization to your job-site. Our load cells and water meters are re-calibrated annually to ensure the measured loading on your crane is reported accurately. In addition, our load cells and water meters are sufficiently accurate to allow for calibration of your crane’s load indicating system. This is normally performed by staging up the test load to several calibration points, thereby enhancing the accuracy of the measured load once the crane is returned to service.
Why Choose Hydro-Wates®?
The proven benefits of sourcing your load testing equipment and services from the professionals at Hydro-Wates® include:
Improved safety for field personnel
Cost-effectiveness and superior budget control
Vital protection for your material assets
An easier route to standards compliance
Top-rated equipment in the industry
Let us help you